There are so many possibilities. What will we be doing in the England Birmingham Mission? Will we be in Birmingham and the surrounding area? Or will we be serving at the University of Birmingham which has an international student body of 26,000 students? That would be truly amazing, but we will do whatever we are told, of course. I understand that the mission president is Dick Moffat. He is from Salt Lake City and I have friends who know him. That is comforting. I am so excited to learn everything I can about Birmingham, the surrounding area, and indeed all of England. We have been studying "Preach My Gospel" and we haven't forgotten why we are going and what is important.
Will it be the road less traveled? Either way, you will be the ones making the difference.
By the way, the nature slide show you have on the right is coo-oo-ool!
That is hilarious. When I first saw this photo, Robert Frost's poem came immediately to my mind as well. I think it will be the one on the left as it seems less traveled.
You really fixed up your blog nice, I love it. Now I have to check it every morning. I am such a stalker!!!
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