Even though we miss the missionaries who have been transferred, we still find great joy in the missionaries we have here. It has been especially lovely to be able to go to England for flat inspections and get acquainted with a few more missionaries. It is so gratifying to see cheerful missionaries, even when the work is hard, the expenses are high, the people won't listen, the weather is soggy. But the missionaries are happy and accomplish amazing things. Sometimes it takes patience. Sometimes it takes extra faith. But they are obedient, believing, creative, and just plain deep down good.
I love the scripture Elder Rawlings shared at our last District Meeting: Doctrine & Covenants 123:17: Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed. We have seen the promise in the scripture fulfilled in the work of the missionaries here.

Congratulations on your half-way point! It's all down hill now. Really like your posts. I hope Reenie and I will get to return to the UK again. Thanks for your well wishes. I am feeling fine and back putting in the long days. We had a busy month as you saw, despite the interuptions of stones, but we have a new Area Presidency member to 'break in' as the chairman of our Area PEF Executive Committee now so it is busy, busy. We also got two new couples for PEF in South Africa so lots of training to do. Africa 'Mormon Helping Hands' this Saturday and then Soweto Stake Conf where I get to sing Sat session and direct the YSA Choir for Sunday session. 40 strong...what a fun thing for me.
Stay well and keep busy!
Elser & Sister VS
I just love pictures of missionaries. They all look SO good! The spirit does that to a person. August sounds like it's been a fun time seeing parts of Wales and England, but I'm sure you'll be glad to have your students back!
Hey Wayne & Claudine,
What a wonderful website! Your pictures and comments inspire me to want to go serve!
Keep up the great work.
Mark Jacobs :)
I love seeing what you two are up to on a weekly basis. I can see you're enjoying your mission so much!!!
The missionaries must just love you and Wayne....I can only imagine!!!!
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