The Family Home Evening we had on the 11th was amazing. It is good to have Jess back and to have Ben meet with us, a pleasant surprise. Luc taught the lesson, always a treat, on Elder Holland's article in this month's Ensign, "The Best is Yet to Be". He used as discussion topics, "Remember Lot's wife." and "Faith builds on the past but never longs to stay there. Faith trusts that God has great things in store for each of us." As each of us shared our feelings and experiences I realized that almost every one of these students were suffering hardship in one way or another, yet their faith was firm and they felt the comfort of the Holy Ghost in the midst of their struggles. These young people truly inspire me.
1 comment:
Really enjoy reading your blog. Mostly I enjoy seeing the splendid scenery that remind me of all the lands my Mothers people were from (Wales and Scotland)
I tried sending you a regular email but it came back. Perhaps I have something wrong in it. Kindly send me an email to vonstettenj@ldschurch.org and I will resend my mail to you. Keep your shoulder to the wheel. We miss hanging with you both
Elder & Sister Von Stetten
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