When I look back over a few days, I am always surprised at everything that happens. Ken and Margaret's baptism was one of the best. They are so excited about being members of the Church.
I am ever surprised at how willing our YSA are to go to a lot of trouble for their "fancy dress" parties and dances. They have such a good time with one another.
It was also very kind of our students to come to our home for Family Home Evening when Elder Cable was too ill to go out. We loved having them there and we had a good time.
Any time we can spend with the missionaries is always an enriching experience. We especially love Elder Clark and Elder Burri and are so lucky to be able to spend extra time with them as we help them shop, drive them to teaching appointments, and teach with them. I love to listen to them discuss the gospel and express their love for the Savior and His work.
Another "fancy dress" party, this time to celebrate Paul Pratt's birthday. The theme was "suit up" and everyone was requested to wear a suit. We ate at Nandos in the new St. David's Mall which is first class all the way. The new John Lewis department store there is amazing.
Nathan East and Simon Hayes always wear their missionary name tags on the inside pocket of their suit coats. For fun they put them on the outside for a photo. They both miss being on their missions.
Sean Chen Chen will soon be going back to China. Oh how we will all miss him.
Flat inspections in Cardiff, Blackwood, Cwmbran and Newport. It has been hard to inspect all the flats we need to because Elder Cable doesn't feel as well as he would like. We love visiting the missionaries in their flats and you never know what you will find. Do you like the "Lads on Tour" flag in the Newport flat? In these photos we have missionaries from Italy, China, Germany, Sweden, England, and the United States.
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