On Tuesday the entire England Birmingham Mission met to listen to counsel and encouragement from an Apostle, M. Russell Ballard. We also heard from his dear wife and Elder Oaks, our Area President, and Sister Oaks. As usual, it was wonderful to see President and Sister Moffat and to hear their testimonies. Elder Ballard's main message was that we are all to "Become Master Teachers." In addition he taught us such principles as, "Try to lock into your thinking that every soul is precious." "You must internalize Chapter Three of Preach My Gospel. Then you will have a sense of confidence that makes you a different missionary." "If you talk to more people you will baptize more people." "Build great affection for the Savior Jesus Christ. Give thanks for Him and that you have this opportunity to serve him." It was a great privilege to hear him and to listen to him answer questions from the missionaries.