In spite of the fact that it was a very stressful week due to the ill health of my father and the struggles my mother is having because of it, it was a very spiritually fulfilling week. It is soul satisfying to see my daughters and others take over and help Mom and Dad when they are needed, even going beyond what is necessary. I think they have strengthened family bonds that may not have been solidified had we been home. Working on presentations on the life of the Savior, studying PMG and the scriptures, and especially General Conference have inspired and humbled us. I am amazed daily at the "tender mercies" that are given to us as we try to serve on our mission. Our Institute students bring us joy that is hard to explain and they are always willing to help in our efforts. In addition, their insights and testimonies strengthen ours. You might say we learn together and all are edified. What a privilege!
The Mangum's are the best people, I'm sorry they are having a hard time. We'll keep them in our prayers. What a wonderful time you are having in Wales, I enjoy the pictures and update. Lots of love, Marcy
I just love these updates. And HOW AWESOME that the designer of the templates gave the rest of the year to you for free! Thank you for taking the time to do these. Sounds like good things are happening there!
I love your updates! It makes me almost feel like I am there! It is going to be an awesome record for you!
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