There are so many flowers in bloom all the time.
The hydrangeas are spectacular right now.

Merthyr Tydfil Chapel
(David O. McKay's mother was from Merthyr Tydfil and he dedicated this chapel.)
We have had a very good week with some especially good missionary experiences. District Meeting was exceptional and we have such respect for the missionaries in our Zone. We are busy with flat inspections, teaching the marriage class in Sunday School, Family Home Evening, Institute, a Single Adult lunch, FamilySearch Indexing, trying to teach with the Caerphilly Elders (flogged again the third-time in a row we have tried with them), and a baptism for the Cardiff Ward. It was especially nice that the missionaries invited us to the Zone lunch at Pizza Hut on their P-day, courtesy of our Stake President, President Dearden. It was so good to be able to talk to them in a fun, relaxed setting.
We also went to the Merthyr Tydfil Stake Seminary Graduation. It was nice and they gave David Beale a Miners Lamp (Davey Lamp) in appreciation for the many years of service he has given to the Seminaries and Institute. He was surprised and loved it. It is so cool and so symbolic of the safety and illumination it gave the miners and the safety, light, and illumination the gospel gives us. This is the second time I have seen the miner's lamp presented and it is a wonderful thing from Wales as they have such a strong coal mining history.

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