Can you believe, Elder and Sister Green prepared Dutch oven potatoes which were delicious and a wonderful lunch at Gadfield Elm. He had his Dutch ovens shipped over here at great expense, but he loves cooking with them for parties. And he even did it in a pouring rainstorm, covering the brikettes with a garbage can lid to get them started. It was great to get to know the other senior couples in our mission and learn of their assignments and activities. They are amazing, capable people.
Wow--it all looks like a great adventure. Dutch oven in the rain? Now that's hardy. I'd love to have the picture of you and Dad with the umbrella. Would you email it to me? I think it's really cute with the colorful umbrella, your missionary tags and all.
This blog will be a treasure of memories for you. I wish my boys could update a blog every week on their mission, but I don't think that would be realistic for them. I think I will keep one for them and include pictures and letters that they send home. I love the rainy British weather.
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