General Conference was once again a marvelous time of spiritual joy. I especially enjoyed the talks by President Uchtdorf and Elder Holland, as well as many others. The Choir's rendition of "O Divine Redeemer" was especially beautiful. Then we were able to share our impressions and experiences with each other at Family Home Evening and gained additional insights and inspiration by doing so. What a great blessing it is for us to be associated with these young adults.
In addition, Tom and Julie, our daughter and her husband, were able to meet Luc who was in Salt Lake for General Conference. That means a lot to us as it is great to share some of the experiences of our mission with our family while we are away.
I agree, it was a great conference. There were some fabulous talks. I love gathering around to watch it with my family. However, I do miss those great breakfasts that we got up in Utah. I suppose you miss those too.
Nathan East is cute. Wouldn't it be exotic if your granddaughter dated someone from Wales!? We should go back to matchmaking. I trust who you guys would choose COMPLETELY. I mean seriously, find me a good one, hide him in your suitcase, and eternal marriage here I come!
By the way...be sure to tell Austin Rawlings hi for me!
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