I apologize that everything on this post is in reverse order with the most recent event on top.
This is the top of the lighthouse at Roath Park.
Roath Park is a place I found on the Internet before we came here and I have wanted to see it ever since. Imagine my surprise when our little Christmas walk took us exactly there. I loved it.
And there sits Nanny McPhee on the bench with her walking stick (a gift from President Parry) and her long black coat. Ben gave me the name but was at least kind enough to say I was prettier than Nanny McPhee who had big warts and awful teeth. But she is magical!
Meg, Lisa, Jocelyn and Peter (on his cell phone) below. Elder Cable and Ben on the right. We all walked to Roath Park after dinner and after Brother Parry passed out all the gifts and they were opened and appreciated. It was a beautiful day and I think the walk was my favorite part of Christmas.
Peter and Lisa Hammond
Lisa is the Parry's daughter, she has three children. The food was fabulous and the company delightful. President Parry was the main cook:
Turkey, Yorkshire pudding, chestnut dressing, steamed vegetables, roasted potatoes and Christmas pudding with a fabulous sauce, among other things. Nummy!
President & Sister Derek and Sue Parry invited us to their home for Christmas dinner and sharing in family time together. It was wonderful, relaxing, and most pleasant.
On Monday the 22nd of December we went to downtown Cardiff to sign a lease renewal for a flat in Roath and saw the above church with a vegetable market right by it. Sadly, the church is now a discount store inside.
The older gentleman, Jack Kirby was baptized on 13 December 2008
amid much vicious opposition from his pastor and family.
He has a lot of courage and says he is "happy" with what he has done.
The gentleman on the right is our bishop, Jamie Holcombe,
a policeman and a great person.
These ladies are fun friends: Gillie Grant and Linn.
Pam Fitzpatrick went to Canada for the holidays.
The above photo taken at Derek Parry's 70th Birthday Party
is of Margaret, Ann Dearden, Gil (say Jill)Davison,
and on the floor Melissa, and Louise Dearden with
their dad, Andrew Dearden, our Stake President who
is a very prominent physician in the U.K.
Sorry, but I like the following video of a spur-of-the moment-dance so much I want to see if I can post it on my Blog. It was taken at our mission Christmas party and the white guy is Elder Adams with Elder Brobbey joining in. Elder Adams is a convert from Florida and is in our ward here. He and Elder Bearnson are our Zone Leaders. Elder Brobbey is a life-long member from London. Later in the talent show, Elder Brobbey also did a mean Gladys Knight with lots of spur-of-the-moment missionaries joining in as "Pips". Loved it! But that video is too long for my Blog.
The last shall be first, especially on my Blog. The top of this post is the most recent of our happenings. All in all Christmas was nice - but ohhhh how we missed home.
Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas, with lots to keep you busy! Thanks for sharing your pictures, that walk looks amazing.
Claudine, you and Wayne seem like you have already adjusted to life over there!!! What wonderful people you are getting to know, and return they are getting to know two of the greatest people as well!
Glad to hear you had good people to spend Christmas with!!
I could go for some Yorkshire pudding right now!;)
hey grams if you go to vimeo.com you can make your video's small enough to post. just a tip. :)
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