We took the Sisters to District Meeting as Sister Mitte has injured her back and couldn't drive. Elder Bearnson was there and it was wonderful to see him again. He is amazing and it makes us so happy to see him. The meeting was very good and Elder Wood did a great job of conducting it and presenting better ways for us to succeed.
Teaching investigators with the Elders and the Sisters is a privilege I can't begin to explain. It touches me deep within my soul to watch investigators learn of and accept truths of the Gospel. I feel the love of the Savior for these investigators as they commit to do His will.
Flat inspections are fun and it strengthens me to see the strength of these dedicated missionaries.
We went with Elders Wood and Gerber again this week to teach Peter and Peter was as remarkable as ever. He can hardly wait until he can be baptized. He is such a special person and he was so happy when I gave him the picture I took of him and Elders Session and Gerber. He thought abstaining from alcohol and tobacco was good and had no problem with that. But when they mentioned tea and coffee, he said, "Tea and coffee?" The missionaries said, "Yes. We do not drink tea and coffee. Will you live the Word of Wisdom and not drink tea and coffee?" He looked up and simply said, "Yes. It is a commandment." That's the way he is about everything.
But of course the highlight of the week was Saturday night when Kurosh and Ben were baptized. Luc, our wonderful Luc, baptized Ben and Ben was deeply touched by the experience. He will be a great member of the Church. His parents and both Nanns (grandmothers) came. Kurosh, on the other hand is all alone in the world. He has no family, he is here as an assylum seeker, he is very shy and withdrawn. He now has people in the Church who will care for him. Elder Gerber spent a lot of time learning the baptismal prayer in Persian. When he baptized Kurosh he said the prayer first in Persian and then in English, then he baptized him. It was very impressive. Right after the baptism the Zone Leaders took Kurosh with them to teach an investigator. He was so happy to be able to do that.
Wow, what a week!!!! you guys are doing so great. Just keep soaking it up!!!!
Good stuff!
Glad it is going well for you. Liked the Lion's den and I dig the Burburry scarf Elder C!We are well. travelling a lot and more to come since we have had 2 of our couples complete their 18 months and return to the US and no replacements have been assigned. We are off to Kenya next week to hold down the fort there and then we will most likely be going to Namibia in April. We had dinner with the VanBlankenstein's last week when we were in lesotho. they were in the MTC with us. They are loving their assignment.We must not be in as good a shape as we thought because we are tired most of the time. I'm guessing it is the travel and all that that entails in Africa. The work is good, the gospel true and like both of you...we are honored to be serving on a mission. Elder VS
I love to hear about the faith of the people you are teaching and baptizing. I had to speak in church yesterday about faith & hope and nearly drove myself crazy trying to understand them (I find them complicated and even harder when taken together). Anyway, faith is simple when you post about these great investigators. Thanks.
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