Monday, December 22, 2008

Wales Countryside in Winter

We recently had to go to Newport to inspect missionary flats and took some photos along the way.  It was a misty-moisty day, as many of them are.  The little white specks on the countryside are sheep.  There are millions of sheep in Wales and we have had some delicious lamb dinners. Shepherds Pie is the best! 


Jim and Reenie said...

Sheperds Pie sounds great. The countryside of Wales looks beautiful, but yes those long dreary Winters bring such a longing for Spring. We are having the opposite of course. I guess those Fall and Winter days were what inspired the boys to create the worlds best scotch. It really looks like you are much more into the missionary 'thing' than we are. being in the office has its advantages, like having the other 14 missionary couples to hang with and having thew temple so close...but it can get to be much like a M-F office job if we are not careful. We are thoroughly enjoying it so far and even have the British accent from the whites and the blacks here. Pretty different I must say. Well 'tata old chap' and cheerio.
We hope you have a wonderful celebration of the saviors birth and give my best to my coal mining Welsh relatives.

Cherie said...

Looks beautiful. I can't wait to come and see it for myself!

Shawna said...

Love the pictures. You even make a wet day look beautiful. Love hearing from you.

Nicole said...

What beautiful pictures!

Julie said...

Gorgeous! I've seen Wales in the summer and it's gorgeous as well. Can't wait to visit you and see it all again.

em said...

Oh, man!!! Those pictures are AMAZING....the countryside on a misty day.....with Sheperd's pie...can it get better than that?????!!!!!