Keergin Ji and Elder Cable
I've mentioned that we have been told not to look to the "missionaries" to do things when we meet people. In fact, we have been told, "You are the missionaries." Well Saturday we felt a little more like we actually were missionaries. I went with Sisters Morris and Martinec to teach the second lesson to Raymond, a Jehovah Witness, in his early 60s, I would guess. He was so nice and though he wanted to talk about so many other things off the subject, he did agree with what we taught him about The Restoration. He said, "I'm not going to tell people in our congregation yet because I don't want to upset or offend anyone, but when I am a Mormon then I can let them know gradually. When Sister Morris told him about the First Vision he said, "Isn't that lovely. Joseph Smith. I will have to remember his name. Maybe I will put it on a piece of paper and tape it to the wall. He is important." I truly enjoy going teaching with the missionaries and it was great to be able to add my testimony to the things they were teaching Raymond. He said the prayer at the end of the lesson. Very sweet.

Sister Martinec, Keergin Ji, Sister Morris
In the evening we went to the baptism of Keergin Ji, a YSA age Chinese student. Jack Kirby came and Raymond came, as well as many, many of our Institute students and several from the Ward. It was a beautiful evening, filled with the Spirit. One of our students, Jess Witt, spoke on baptism and I spoke on the Holy Ghost. And Wayne was honored to do the baptizing. It was a lovely evening. Keergin was so happy to be baptized and has such a pure radiance about her.
Jack Kirby is still being "persecuted" by members of his former congregation for joining the Church. Someone comes almost every day and tells him what a horrible thing he has done. They are mean about it. He said, "I don't understand. They didn't pay any attention to me before I joined the Church so why are they spending so much time coming to tell me what a terrible thing I have done now that I have joined the Church." Kind of like Joseph Smith when he told the ministers of his First Vision. He wondered why so many people would be so upset with what he, a boy, said. Satan is still alive and well.
Raymond came to Church today and I sat by him. After every hymn, every talk, everything that happened he would say, "That's lovely." He asked me while the sacrament was being passed if it was okay for people to pray during this time. I said yes, so he bowed his head put his hands together and I could hear him say, "Dear Heavenly Father," and he continued to whisper a prayer. It was very sweet.