It was so rewarding to have Institute go well this week. It did so much to encourage me and make me want to keep trying. We taught, "I Know That He Lives" and shared testimonies from some of the presidents of the Church then opened it up for them to bear testimony of the things we have been studying, especially of the Savior Jesus Christ. Their testimonies were exceptionally sweet and meaningful. We ended with some testimonies from the "Special Witnesses of Christ" DVD and it worked out very well.
Let me share a couple of the testimonies of the Institute students so you can get an idea of what I am talking about:
(A lovely young woman) "[A friend boy] and I cycle to Institute from Student House (about 4 or 5 miles) every week and it is really hard and I often do not want to do it, or I want to quit, and I am so tired, especially when we come up that last hill toward the Church. But I know it is so important for me to be here. Institute has saved me. I have regained the testimony I thought I had lost a long time ago. I know my Savior lives and loves me."
(A young man) "I have been told through the Holy Ghost that God lives. The thing I am most sure of is that God loves me. I know that God loves me."
(A young woman) "In taking Institute this year I prayed I would understand the scriptures and they have been opened to me and I know I should be in Institute."
(A young man) "The gospel is really such a light, a bright thing in my life. It helps me to be optimistic and have hope for a better world."
(A young woman) "I have had a need recently to depend on my Heavenly Father. I have studied the atonement and it has helped me so much."
(A young man) "It has not always been easy to live the gospel but as I try it becomes easier. Being with you at Institute and YSA activities helps me. I know it is only because of the Savior that we are here together. I feel grateful so much that He was willing to go through that pain for me."
I really feel that the best lessons are when they can learn from each other and bear strong testimony of the truths we are discussing. What a privilege it is to serve among them.
An other great week!!!!!
Pure and simple testimony. There is nothing better.
It is great that you are making such a difference in peoples lives. I want my girls to get that very lesson you taught today. If my kids can grow up and know him and know he loves them that will be great.
Thank you for sharing those neat testimonies. It is great to hear them and to feel of the sweet spirit that was present in your class.
I love the picture of the barn! Does that somehow show my true character? --Karyn is commenting about testimonies and I just love the red barn.
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