Not long ago Syr, a black asylum-seeker from the Congo joined the Church. All his family have died except one sister. He had no friends, no money, absolutely nothing, but he decided to reach out to others and tell them about the Church. He found Norland and they are now friends and Sisters Morris and Martinec are now teaching him. The Church has changed Syr, helping him overcome some of his shyness and reach out to others. He blessed the sacrament for the first time Sunday and his prayer was full of the Spirit and it was powerfully done. I've never heard anything like it, especially from a man who seems afraid to talk to you. When teaching, if Norland did not understand something, Syr would explain it in French or an African language. They both speak more than four or five languages. Norland is studying plumbing and Syr is just hanging on waiting until it is legal for him to get a job. He had one set of clothing, though he always looks neat and well groomed. A member bought him another. Hopefully his status will change soon. It has been such a blessing to be involved in the teaching of these fine young men. If all goes well, Norland will be baptized on February 7th. I hope we can get Syr and Norland to come to Institute and maybe even Family Home Evening.
The Sisters had eight investigators to Church on Sunday so we were all busy welcoming and helping them. Three were Christians from India and they were very impressive. We shall see what develops there.
On Tuesday we went to a training meeting put on by all the important area people who want the Outreach Initiative extended to England and Wales. President and Sister Moffat as well as David Beale and so many other of our line authorities were there. President and and Sister Moffat took us to dinner before the meeting and they are always such a delight. I love them and they are so kind and good to us.
This meeting at the Solihull chapel was very close to Stratford-on-Avon so we easily got permission to visit there. It was delightful even though it will be much nicer in the spring and summer. I was thrilled to be able to visit all the places I have heard about and have always wanted to see. In addition to many other sites, we saw Shakespeare's gravesite in Holy Trinity church. It was most interesting. Stratford has been so commercialized, but it is still wonderful to me.
You could be my only fan at blogspot. Thanks for the comment. We went to church in Guadalajara and met up with some missionaries from Salt Lake (not a surprise). It was fun to hear a little bit about their mission. One elder translated the meeting for Craig and we gave them $20 (I keep thinking about my boys going on missions and being low on money at the end of the month, so I've determined to give the elders money whenever I see one). They seemed genuinely happy about the $20. I'm a fan of missionaries. You seem to be doing a great job. I did tell Craig though that no one told me when I had boys that I would be really, really sad for eight years of my adult life while they were on missions. Hope you have a great week.
Wow it is so good to hear of Syr, Alex loved him sooo much, When he baptized him he said : He may be the next Prophet!! He thinks he is amazing, I hope he is doing well! I love reading all of your adventures! I will tell Bev Gerber to check out this weeks photos, she will love it!!
Well I"ll be honest. I never thought I'd see gramps with iPod headphones in his ears.
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