Saturday, May 30, 2009

Unusual Week of Great Experiences

There were so many things happening this week that I can hardly keep track. Having President and Sister Heidi Swinton come to the Bristol Conference to speak to us this Sunday was a special treat. Many of our Institute students have served as missionaries under President Swinton and loved seeing him and hearing him speak again. Sister Swinton was masterful in her talk to the Relief Society and our very own President Dearden taught us especially well. The activities, dances, talks and testimonies were memorable and an unusual experience for which I am grateful.  

Beth Hippard's vocal recital was well attended and a joy to experience. She has a beautiful voice and sang with great expression. I could truly understand why her email address is "songbirdbeth".  Many other of our YSA participated on her program and the whole evening was lovely.

Besides all the good, there was deep sadness. My father is not doing well at all and has been in the hospital for several days and it appears he will be unable to live at home again. In addition, Truman G. Madsen died and I keenly feel his loss. He was an impelling force in my life from the time I was 17 even until this day. He gave me much.  

We love the missionaries, especially Elder Bearnson as he was the first missionary we met when we arrived in Wales. He and Elder Adams came to visit us the first day we were here. It was so comforting and he has been incredibly nice to us ever since. 


Julie said...

Love the new blog background!!

Becky said...

Sorry to hear that your dad is sick. You are so lucky to have a 92 year old dad though! I'm enjoying all the beautiful pictures of England.