I am totally exhausted from all the parties, celebrations, Christmas services, and family get-togethers we have attended. It has been very nice, people have been phenomenal and overly kind to us, and we have been constantly fed. Christmas is a huge deal here and they have many public as well as private gatherings.
First was the rebroadcast of the First Presidency Christmas Devotional on the 13th which we really enjoyed even though it always makes us homesick to see the sights and sounds of Salt Lake City. It was a beautiful way to start the season for us.
On Friday, the 18th Luc Rasmussen invited us and the two sets of Cardiff missionaries, Elders Gerber & Wang and Elders D'Ottavio and Richter, to Student House where he served us a fabulous traditional Christmas dinner he had prepared for us and the students still here. It was so nice and so good of him to do this for us. We had a really fun time there. Now they will all leave for the holidays and we will miss them.
Cardiff Stake held a Carol Service Sunday evening, the 20th. You cannot believe the difference carol singing is here as compared to home. The people of Wales, who seem to naturally have really good voices, really sing with all their hearts. It makes you want to sing the same way. Because of the power of their singing, with the strength of the organ, I felt like they would actually raise the roof. I will miss hearing the singing of hymns like this when we go home. Gillie Grant also prepared a wonderful traditional Christmas dinner for us. She is always overly generous toward us.
It snowed on the 21st, a rare occurrence in December here, but it made everything more Christmasy. Also on the 21st we went to Roger and Margaret Wilson's for a lovely Christmas lunch. Elder Cable has especially bonded with Brother Wilson. They are a sweet couple and very loving.
The England Birmingham Mission party was held on Wednesday, the 23rd from noon until 6:30. PMG Jeopardy is always a favorite game and the talent show is unpredictable and amusing. We had a very nice Christmas dinner and an especially nice program at the end commemorating the birth of our Savior in narration done touchingly by Elder Ezard and in song. Elder Cable and Elders Clark, Halaufia, Gerber and Wang sang, "O Come, O Come Immanuel". Nicely done.
New Years Eve was spent at the home of Peter and Lisa Hammond, with more wonderful food. They always sing Christmas carols and have the story, "The Three Trees" read. It was a nice evening, partly because Elders Clark and Halaufia came with us. They are good and fun Elders.
Christmas morning at 9:30 am we went to the Stake Christmas Service. It was not heavily attended, but it was my very favorite part of Christmas. They had a program read by various people in the ward, mostly the Parry family, telling the story of the birth of the Christ child from the point of view of others around him. And of course there was a lot of singing of Christmas carols interspersed. The script was written by sisters serving at the London Temple and it is brilliant.
We came home and opened our few Christmas gifts and that was very nice.
Then it was a wonderful Christmas dinner at Alex and Jo Winters' home in Taffs Well. They live in an old (200 years) stone house that is so very charming. And Alex and Jo have two small children who are very well behaved and charming. Alex is a star on children's television, CBBC, and we had a wonderful time with them and Elders Clark & Halaufia. It was the perfect Christmas day. They bought us all gifts to remind us of our time in Wales. I got a red scarf with the symbols of Wales embroidered in it, the daffodil, leeks, the Prince of Wales ostrich feathers, the dragon, and the flag of Wales. We are spoiled.
Christmas evening we went to Colin & Sue Winters to enjoy the gathering of all the Winters clan. The families of Colin & Sue, Helen & Rob Kay, Claire & Jamie Holcombe, Alex & Jo Winters and Gareth Winters and his girlfriend, and others. Of course there was an abundance of food and beauty all around. Elder Clark called his family from the Winters home. We then came to our flat and Elder Halaufia called his family from here. We had a delightful talk with Elder Clark about the scriptures and the gospel. We love our Elders. They loved calling home, but it does make it harder for them to be away.
We were not finished yet. Saturday the 26th was Boxing Day, a day for more celebration. We were invited to join Derek and Sue Parry and their family. We spent Christmas with them last year, but Jo invited us to their home in October, so Parry's invited us for Boxing Day. It worked out super for us. We ate another big traditional Christmas dinner, watched the family open gifts and enjoyed the teenagers in the family. Parrys are always so very good to us. In the evening we went back over to Colin & Sue Winters' home and another feast was spread. All of their family came again and after eating all we could, we all played Articulation, a word game, women against the men. It was a fun and raucous game.
Sunday was Church and then dinner at Gillie's again. But it was quiet, restful and very enjoyable. I can't believe how good people are to us and I am quite embarrassed by all they do for us. We certainly don't deserve it.
We miss our family so very much, especially during the holidays. We wish we could be with them, enjoy our family traditions and listen to them tell what is going on in their lives. They are so very precious to us.
We are so thankful and increasingly aware of the great blessing of our Savior, Jesus Christ. His condescension, humility and willingness to help the one, no matter the status or comeliness of the one, is such a gift for us. He has given us everything. We will strive to come closer to following his example in the coming year. We love our Institute students and the missionaries and feel so blessed to be able to associate with them. We pray continually that we will be able to make a difference. We know that Jesus Christ is the literal son of the Eternal Father and the way, the truth, and the light. We know the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth through the Prophet Joseph Smith. We know the Book of Mormon is the word of God for us in this time and it will change your life if you prayerfully and sincerely read it and embrace the principles it contains. We know by personal experience that these things are true.