I have decided to accept The 365 Day Challenge to record something every day. I think it will be a fun way to remember our mission and perhaps give you a glimpse of some of the things we are doing. We shall see how it works. I do hope to blog some other things as well when I can think of something especially interesting. Remember, you can click on the photo to enlarge it if the writing is too small for you to read.
I LOVE this idea!! It will be nice to have little snippits of each day. And your new background is SO CUTE!!
so THIS is the 365 day challenge. man I hate that I can't just call you and get all this info...where did you get the template? I saw the challenge but couldnt' figure out how to get the template thing. And what font are you using? I LOVE THIS!!!
Melissa, you live! I am excited about this project as well. The template is from twopeasinabucket.com; DigiKit, The 365 Challenge January Kit by Crystal Wilkerson. I duplicated then split each of the four templates in iPhoto so I could make them square so they would work on my blog (and are more easily printable) and did it in Memory Mixer. I didn't bring Photoshop with me. I used AL Handcraft for the titles and numbers and Kabel something or other for the text. I am so glad you like it. Now that I have figured it out I think building the pages won't take much time at all. I am looking forward to the February kit. Good luck.
I love Project 365! It will be fun to watch. I bought the kits when they were offered on January 1 and somehow got four in my cart when I only wanted two. I sold the extra two for $350 on e-bay! Cool. That is fun for a mission. Looks like you are doing great.
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